Hands Toward Heaven by North Point InsideOut, Chris Cauley

Song Lyrics

Hear by North Point InsideOut

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Hands Toward Heaven
by North Point InsideOut, Chris Cauley

Album: Hear

Verse 1
Yours is the name high above ev'ry other
Yours is the kingdom forever You reign
Yours is the power that lifted us out of the grave

Verse 2
Yours is the heart that is beating inside us
Yours is the glory and all of the fame
And Yours is the love that You poured down on us
We're rising up to sing Your praise

Chorus 1
To the King Almighty to the One who saves, be glory and honor for all our days

Chorus 2
With our hands t'ward heaven and our voices raised
To the King almighty we give all our praise yeah

Verse 3
Yours is the whole earth and ev'rything in it
Yours are the stars that You spoke into place
And Yours are the shouts of the sons and daughters
Lifting up Your holy name

Chorus 3
For unending mercy for amazing grace
For life everlasting and sins erased

Rescued redeemed we're alive we're forgiven
Shouting our praise with our hands t'ward heaven

To the King almighty we give all our praise yeah

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